Cupcakes Anyone?

I am not a master cupcake baker, but I do enjoy it - the baking process as well as the eating part! My little Gracie loves creating in the kitchen and since I think it is both educational and fun I decided it would be a great way to share quality time together and instill a love of baking at an early age! My favorite part of our baking experience was when she began icing the cupcakes. She would dip her knife into the jar, pull it out and lick it and then put the remaining icing on the cupcakes!

Above: Gracie adds her ingredients together!

Above: As hard as I tried to introduce Gracie to new vocabulary words during our baking experience, the most frequent word she used was..."Yummy!"

Above: Gracie finished her cupcakes the same way she has learned to end a dance move, or gymnastics move..."Ta-dah!"


Staffanne said...

How sweet! Hallie loves to break eggs and put icing on cakes too. She loves to lick the utensils and bowls when I am done. Kyle and her argue over who gets to clean them off, but she always wins!

Erica Simpson said...

How sweet!
Gracie is such a doll-I want a cupcake! :)

Carol said...

Evan loves to cook too...just ask Mom. They bake something every time he's with her!

The Wonderful, Magical Night Gracie Was Born