Day 4 - More Memorables Times!

Above: Gracie heard music start playing in the hotel during dinner one night and couldn't sit still. She had to get up and show off a few of her moves!

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Above: My little Sunshine Girl!

Above: The famous Disney pose!

Above: The Lile Family with Goofy.

Above: Gracie having tea in Minnie's Playhouse!

Above: Every time we past the wishing fountain in our hotel, Gracie wanted to throw in a penny and she would say, "I wish I a princess!


Lori said...

Looks like you all are having so much fun! That is the best work trip EVER!!! :) Love you!

Wanda May said...

Well, Ms Terri, Boyce and I will be going on vacation next week, and it will be wonderful just to get away, but talk about a vacation...Ms Gracie knows how to have one.

The Wonderful, Magical Night Gracie Was Born