A Must Share

Above: The Cornerstones - LeAnn, Andrea, Adam, and Jerry - They did an awesome job!
Above: My daddy singing Amazing Grace with Jeff's group, The Triumphant Quartet. David, Scott, Clayton, Eric, and Jimmy Stice (seated). An amazing performance!

I usually reserve this blog spot to share stories about my little Gracie, but this story is too great not share with my fellow bloggers. For any of you who have ever tried to talk to my daddy since his stroke, you know he stutters terribly bad and struggles to say even one word. In fact, seldom has he been able to say a complete sentence since July 24, 2005. My brother, Jeff came to Brownsville this past Friday night with his group, The Triumphant Quartet. Once a year in Brownsville they do a concert. They are awesome and their trip to Brownsville was no different. They did an incredible job. The auditorium was full and the crowd really enjoyed the entertainment. However, the highlight of the evening was when Jeff took daddy up on stage and without missing a word daddy sang the first and last verses of Amazing Grace. Unbelievable! I was reminded of the scripture....with God all things are possible. God still allows my daddy to use the talent he has been so passionate about throughout his entire life, singing for the honor and glory of God. It was truly a blessing to see, hear and feel my daddy sing again. My dear friends, The Conerstones also did an outstanding job. They sung with their new tracks, which Jeff not only produced, but was the pianist on as well. They are the most amazing pieces of music you will ever hear! LeAnna, Andrea, Adam and Jerry all were fabulous! It was an incredible night!


Carol said...

I wish I could've been there to see it!

Love you!

Mrs. Wesely said...

I wish I could have been there too!! I definitely want to know the date for next year...

Erica Simpson said...

I wish I could have see them too!

I am so thankful for you!


The Browning's said...

what a blessing, I too wish I were there to hear that.. Love you!

Wanda May said...

I wanted to go so bad, next year I WILL be there. I love your Mom and Dad, they have done a wonderful job with you kids, and you are continuing the family tradition. I love Ally Cat and Gracie is amazing. I just love you guys.

The Wonderful, Magical Night Gracie Was Born